Tuesday 5 February 2013

turning twenty-one.

A few weeks ago I had my 21st birthday. 
Mum spent the past couple of months working in her garden, preparing it for everyone to come over. It looked so beautiful. We put up lots of pretty fairy lights and lanterns and candles.
We began the night sharing yummy food with family.. Everyone brought a plate to share and we made nice salads and dips and pizzas. 

Friends arrived later on.. We had good music, and lots of friendly faces. It was a very special night, I felt so lucky to have so many awesome people in my life. And the presents! I got such good presents, I am so grateful. 

We had 2 cakes; a chocolate cake and a sponge cake for first dessert, then later we had a sticky date tower which Brendon and I made.. Well mostly Brendon. He made 36 sticky date muffins with caramel sauce. It was so delicious! I'll hopefully post the recipe soon, he has a pretty damn good one. 

I keep thinking of things I want to blog about, but I don't have internet at home at the moment so it's just bits and bobs for now. 
Uni starts next week. I feel so unmotivated, I don't feel ready to go back just yet!

I've been knitting a bit lately, there's a few babies still in bellies that I want to knit blankets and hats and dresses and pants and everything for! I like knitting for babies, I lose interest in big projects. And babies  look so cute in woolly outfits! 

I made this little dress the other day using this pattern. It's super easy and quick to make. 

Yesterday I made yummy little super bliss balls. I love SuperOrbs, so I used similar ingredients, but I think mine are wayyy better if I may say so myself! 
It was a bit of an experiment, so I'm not exactly sure of quantities.. Just give it a go and see what happens! There's not much that can go wrong when making things like this.

This is a rough guide:

1/2 cup raw almonds
1/2 cup really raw cashews*
1/2 cup walnuts
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup white mulberries
sprinkling of sesame seeds
sprinkling of black sesame seeds
sprinkling of hemp seed 
sprinkling of chia seeds
sprinkling of linseeds
some goji berries
4 medjool dates
small handful rolled oats 
big tbsp raw cacao 
tsp maca powder
pinch crystal salt
small tbsp coconut oil, I use Loving Earth
about 1/4 cup cacao nibs
desiccated coconut to roll them in 

*Really raw cashews are delicious. I buy the Loving Earth ones, they are grown in Java. The shell is cracked open using a traditional knife to preserve nutrients. Apparently regular 'raw' cashews are fried or boiled to make the skin brittle and easily removed. They are labelled raw because they are not roasted. The taste difference is unbelievable, and the really raw cashews are easier to digest. There is good information on the Loving Earth website which is worth a read. Although really raw are more expensive, they are worth it. I have only seen them sold at The Fruit Peddlars, or you can buy them online from Loving Earth. 

I just put everything in the Bellini, except the oats and some of the cacao nibs, blended it all up until it's crumbly, then stirred through the oats and the rest of the cacao nibs (I like them to still be crunchy). Some people blend nuts and dried fruit/oils separately before blending together, but all at once worked fine for me. I then just squished it into little balls, and delicately rolled in the coconut, then put them in the fridge for a couple of hours. Y U M! 

Some other good things to put in are:
Other super foods and powders like mesquite, lucuma, camu camu, afa, maqui, acai, tumeric etc. 
Also any other nuts and seeds are good, brazil buts, pepitas, anything. 
You can also activate your nuts first for extra enzymes! 

I think I will be making these on a regular basis for sure. Perfect with a coffee in the morning, or as an afternoon pick me up. The only bad thing about these is that if i make them, I just want to eat them all at once! At least they are good for me :) 

Thank you to my lovely mum for sharing your beautiful house, and all the work you put into having a party for me.

Thank you dada for supplying the alcohol, a key ingredient for a 21st! 

You're the best mum and the best dad I could wish for. X

X Zannah