Tuesday 18 December 2012

strawberry jam.

Last week, on that really hot day we went strawberry picking. 
I always feel so overwhelmed when I first get to the field, I feel like I have to quickly pick as many berries as I can or I'll miss out. The plants were laden with big juicy red fruit, they were so sweet and delicious! Berries are definitely best when they're warm, straight off the plant.

We went to Ladybird Organics, a certified organic 'pick your own' farm in Keilor. You're allowed to eat as much as you like while picking, then you just pay for what you bring out in your bucket, for $12 a kilo. Very reasonable for organic strawberries!

We ended up leaving with 8.9kg, $107 worth!!! holy moly.

We made the jam at a beach house, so we didn't  have any scales which was a little annoying.. I think we used about 3 or 4 kilos of strawberries and about 2.5 kilos of sugar, and 3 squeezed lemons. We searched for a recipe on the internet and worked off about 3 sites... It was a lot of guess work and rough estimating, but I think we made a yummy jam in the end!

It's fun watching it bubble away on the stove in such a big pot, I like how there's a definite moment where it turns from a strawberry sauce to jam. 
Freya took care of sterilising the jars, Angelique quartered a huge bowl of strawberries, and Sanaga did a very good job mashing the berries before the sugar went in. 

I can't wait to give jars of homemade jam for christmas presents! 

We still have 2 big containers of berries in the freezer.. looks like we'll have to make ice-cream! Yum!

When I started the blog I had planned to write every second day or so.... But I'm finding it harder to sit down at the computer as often as that at the moment, especially before christmas! Maybe in January I will.. 

Only 6 sleeps till christmas!! 
x Zannah

Wednesday 12 December 2012

soap and things.

I've been thinking for a while it would be nice to make soap.
For christmas presents, and to just have at home. I did some research on the internet and borrowed a soap recipe book from a friend, but I find the caustic soda part of it all a bit overwhelming... seems a bit scary and I don't really have all the equipment, so I went to the aromatherapy factory outlet in north fitzroy to find some more info. The lady there was really helpful, I got a soap powder which is basically the scary part taken care of, it's just the basic soap base ground to a powder, then you add your own essential and vegetable oils, some water and textures or colours if you like. 
It's so easy, I feel like I cheated a bit.. maybe one day I'll do it right from scratch. 

250g soap powder
100ml water 
60ml olive oil
about 40 drops pure lavender essential oil

 You just mix it in a big bowl with a spatula, then get a handful and really work it, knead it like dough for quite a while. Then roll it into a ball or any shape and cover it in herbs or seeds, I used lavender flowers. Then let them sit on some baking paper for about 3 days. 
It turns out so white, I think next time I'll add some colour, maybe a clay powder or some turmeric or something to make it look more of a natural colour.
I'm so picky with soap, hopefully I like these ones! I guess I'll find out in a couple of days. I might do some more next week, maybe rose or orange or cinnamon..

I got my dried flowers from Gewurzhaus spice merchants on Lygon street. Beautiful shop, I love the little drawers full of herbs and spices. 

Before I go off to the beach, here's a nice recipe for apple rhubarb crumble I made the other night. I didn't have any butter so I used coconut oil instead, which was nice, and good if you're vegan.

2 granny smith apples
1 bunch rhubarb
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
3/4 cup almond meal
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup coconut sugar
pinch salt

I stewed the fruit, melted the coconut oil, then just mixed all the crumble ingredients and poured it over the fruit in a nice baking dish and put it in the hot oven for about half an hour. Y U M! 
Delicious served with some double cream or sheeps yoghurt, or CoYo if you're that way inclined. 

Now I'm off to the fruit peddlers to get holiday food supplies, pick up a takeaway from Carolina, then go to Ladybird Organics to pick strawberries, then to the beach for a swim, then make strawberry jam! oh myyy goodness! 

P.s my faaavourite blogger Kate from Foxs Lane featured some of my paintings on her blog a few weeks ago, she wrote the most lovely things...made me want to cry and laugh and smile all at the same time! check it out here if you like 

x Zannah

Saturday 8 December 2012

a weekend breakfast.

Rosewater Pikelets with Maple syrup and Strawberries

I decided to make something other than the usual avocado toast or eggs for breakfast this morning, and I've been reading a friend's new blog Welcome To The Harvest which is where this recipe is from.
Definitely worth a look. This blog has beautiful, healthy, seasonal recipes and great insight into some local organic farms.

I used 1 cup spelt flour and 1 cup plain flour instead of wholemeal, and I'm not such a butter fan so I just served it with strawberries, maple syrup and some sheeps yoghurt. The Loving Earth caramelised pecans they mention are really delicious, but I didn't have any on hand.

I'm usually a super duper thin crepe like pancakes kinda person, but mine never turn out as good as mum's, so I'll leave the thin pancake making to her..

Here are some things that get me excited for Christmas... 
The smell of cherries at work
The smell of the pancakes cooking this morning
An abundance of strawberries
These hot days we've been having, swimming in the river
Christmas shopping at doncaster.... HA just kidding I'm going to try my best to avoid it.

Have a lovely sunny sunday everyone. 

x Zannah

Thursday 6 December 2012

I started a blog.

Yes. I have decided to start a blog! Im still trying to figure out how to use everything, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon.

I'm loving being on holidays.. Its so nice to be able to do things like go for a leisurly coffee, make christmassy things, catch up with friends...
I've been feeling the christmas vibes this year so I decided to make some wrapping paper with butchers paper and potato stamps. It's so fun! I even listened to Christmas music while I stamped away...'A very She & Him Christmas' I love Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward, they are an exception in my dislike of Christmas music.

 I also did some stamps on plain calico bags, I'm thinking of giving some presents in these instead of wrapped. The pear half worked really well on the bags, not so well on paper.

I made some cards on nice watercolour paper.. I love giving cards and presents that I've made myself, it's fun and doesn't break the bank. Hopefully mum and dad won't mind getting some prints for Christmas ;)

I've got so much rainbow chard in my garden at the moment, and its all going to seed. I've been trying to slip it into any meal I can get away with! Most of its going to seed, so I want to find out how to save the seed for next year.. anyone have any good seed saving advice?
I've been making this soup a bit lately, its so yummy with lightly toasted casalinga.

Spicy Tomato Soup with greens from the garden

Start by cooking 1 or 2 chopped onions in some olive oil, then add about 4 or 5 chopped garlic cloves when onions are soft and browning. Then add 2 tins tomatoes, and some water, about 2 cups, 2 bay leaves, some vegie stock powder or a cube, a tin of Kidney or Borlotti beans and some chilli. I didn't have any fresh chillies so I just use powder which does its job. I put about a tsp or 2 of rapadura sugar in so its not too tomatoey and acidic. I like to put some mixed greens from the garden in, this time I used kale, chard, flat parsley, oregano and thyme. Let it simmer away until your hungry enough to take it off the stove, finish with some salt and freshly cracked pepper and yummo, lunch or dinner is served.

So here I am.. a little craft, a little cooking, a little art, a little of the life I weave.

x Zannah